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Exam Number : CLOUDF
Exam Name : EXIN Cloud Computing Foundation
Vendor Name : Exin
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CLOUDF Exam Format | CLOUDF Course Contents | CLOUDF Course Outline | CLOUDF Exam Syllabus | CLOUDF Exam Objectives

Duration: 1 hour

Number of questions: 40 (Multiple Choice)

Pass mark: 65%

Open book: No

Electronic equipment allowed: No

Level: Foundation

Available languages: English, French, Japanese, Spanish, German, Dutch, Brazilian Portuguese

Requirements: None

EXIN Cloud Computing Foundation is a certification that tests candidates on the basics of Cloud Computing. This vendor-neutral qualification includes some technical knowledge and looks at the general management aspects of Cloud Computing.

Main subjects

The principles of Cloud Computing

Using and accessing the Cloud

Security and Compliance

Implementing and managing Cloud Computing

Evaluation of Cloud Computing

Exam details

Exam type: Multiple-choice questions

Number of questions: 40

Pass mark: 65%

Open book/notes: No

Electronic equipment/aides permitted: No

Time allotted for examination: 60 minutes



Exam specification Weight

1. The principles of Cloud Computing 30%

1.1 The concept of Cloud Computing 5%

1.2 The evolution towards Cloud Computing 10%

1.3 Cloud Computing architectures 10%

1.4 Drivers and limitations of Cloud Computing 5%

2. Implementing and managing Cloud Computing 20%

2.1 Building local Cloud environment 10%

2.2 Managing Cloud services 10%

3. Using the Cloud 15%

3.1 Accessing the Cloud 5%

3.2 Cloud and the business processes 5%

3.3 Service providers and the Cloud 5%

4. Security and compliance 20%

4.1 Securing the Cloud 10%

4.2 Identity and privacy 10%

5. Evaluation of Cloud Computing 15%

5.1 The business case 10%

5.2 Evaluating implementations 5%

Total 100%

1. The principles of Cloud Computing

1.1 The candidate understands the concept of Cloud Computing

The candidate can:

1.1.1 Explain what Cloud Computing is

1.1.2 Compare the main Deployment Models for Cloud Computing

(Private, Public, Community and Hybrid cloud)

1.1.3 Describe the main Service Models for Cloud Computing (Paas, IaaS, SaaS)

1.2 The candidate knows the evolution toward Cloud Computing

The candidate can:

1.2.1 Describe the main concepts from which Cloud Computing developed

1.2.2 Explain the role of network and servers in Cloud Computing

1.2.3 Describe the role of the Internet in Cloud Computing

1.2.4 Explain the role of Virtualization in Cloud Computing

1.2.5 Describe the role of managed services in Cloud Computing

1.3 The candidate understands the Cloud Computing architectures

The candidate can:

1.3.1 Explain the difference between a single purpose and multipurpose architecture

1.3.2 Describe the Service Oriented Architecture

1.4 The candidate knows drivers and limitations of Cloud Computing

The candidate can:

1.4.1 Identify the main drivers for Cloud Computing

1.4.2 Identify the main limitations of Cloud Computing

2. Implementing and Managing Cloud Computing

2.1 The candidate understands the building of Local Cloud environment

The candidate can:

2.1.1 Describe the main components of a local cloud environment and how they are


2.1.2 Describe the use of secured access to a Local Area Network

2.1.3 Describe the risks of connecting a local cloud network to the public internet

2.2 The candidate understands the principles of managing Cloud services

The candidate can:

2.2.1 Describe the use of IT Service Management principles (ISO/IEC 20000) in a Cloud


2.2.2 Explain the management of service levels in a Cloud environment

3. Using the Cloud

3.1 The candidate knows how users can access the Cloud

The candidate can:

3.1.1 Describe how to access Web Applications through a Web Browser

3.1.2 Describe the Cloud Web Access Architecture

3.1.3 Describe the use of a Thin Client

3.1.4 Describe the use of mobile devices in accessing the cloud

3.2 The candidate understands how Cloud Computing can be used for business processes

The candidate can:

3.2.1 Identify the impact of Cloud Computing on the primary processes of an organization

3.2.2 Describe the role of standard applications in collaboration

3.3 The candidate understands how Service Providers can use the Cloud

The candidate can:

3.3.1 Explain how using Cloud Computing changes the relation between vendors and


3.3.2 Identify benefits and risks of providing Cloud based services

4. Security and compliance

4.1 The candidate understands the security risks of Cloud Computing and knows mitigating


The candidate can:

4.1.1 Describe the security risks in the cloud

4.1.2 Describe measures mitigating security risks

4.2 The candidate understands managing identity and privacy in the Cloud

The candidate can:

4.2.1 Describe the main aspects of Identity management

4.2.2 Describe privacy and compliance issues and safeguards in Cloud Computing

5. Evaluation of Cloud Computing

5.1 The candidate understands the business case for Cloud Computing

The candidate can:

5.1.1 Describe the costs and possible savings of Cloud Computing

5.1.2 Describe the main operational and staffing benefits of Cloud Computing

5.2 The candidate understands evaluation of Cloud Computing implementations

The candidate can:

5.2.1 Describe the evaluation of performance factors, management requirements and

satisfaction factors

5.2.2 Describe the evaluation of service providers and their services in Cloud Computing

Core concepts

Application hosting Multi-user

Authentication, Authorization, Accounting

(AAA, Triple A)


Availability Network Attached Storage (NAS)

Back-up service Network infrastructure

Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) Network protocol

Claim based solution Online games

Client-Server Open System Interface (OSI)

Cloud access architecture Open Virtualization Format (OVF)

Cloud Computing Open-ID

Cloud presence Operating system

Common Internet File System (CIFS) Operational benefit

Compliance Operational Expenditure (OPEX)

Confidentiality Pay-as-you-go model

Denial-of-service attack (DoS) Performance factors

Deployability Permissive federation

Digital identity Personal Identifiable Information (PII)

Distributed Denial-of-service (DDOS) Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) Portability

Drop box Privacy

Encrypted federation Privacy notice

Extensible Markup Language (XML) Private cloud

Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol


Public cloud

Extranet Recovery

Failover Redundancy

Federation Remote datacenter

Guest operating system Replication

Hybrid cloud Risk

Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) Satisfaction factors

Hypervisor Scalability

Identity Scripting language

Identity management Security

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Server

Instant messaging (IM) Service level

Instant Messaging and Presence Service


Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Integrity Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) Single sign-on (SSO)

Interoperability Software as a service (SaaS)

Intranet Staffing benefit

IT infrastructure Stakeholder

IT service Subcontracted supplier

JavaScript Supplier contract

Latency Supplier management

Local Area Network (LAN) Support

Location independent Thin client

Loosely coupled Throughput

Mainframe Tiered architecture

Man-in-the-middle attack Time to Value

Messaging protocol Time-to-market

Microcomputer Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

Middleware Traceability

Migration Transmission Control Protocol / Internet

Protocol (TCP/IP)

Minicomputer Utility

Mobile device Verified federation

Mobility Virtual Machine (VM)

Multimedia Message Service (MMS) Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Multiprocessing Virtualization

Multi-programming Virtualized environment

Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Web browser

Multipurpose architecture Web frontend

Multi-sides Workload

Additional terms

Application Memory

Audit National Security Agency (NSA)

Back-up Open Cloud Consortium (OCC)

Bandwidth Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)

Bits per second (bps) Processing

Blog Protocol Analyzer

Business logic Short Message Service (SMS)

Bytes per second (Bps) Slide share

Cell phone Smartphone

Client Social media

Common carrier Software

Cost Storage

Customer Storage Management Initiative-Specification


Customer Relation Management tool System Management Architecture for System

Hardware (SMASH)

Data center Track

Database User

Datacenter architecture Video telecommunication

E-commerce Virtualization Management Initiative (VMAN)

Economic benefit Virus (infection)

E-mail Voice-over-IP (VoIP)

Frame relay network Web Service Management (WS-MAN)

Green IT Web-based Enterprise Management (WBEM)

Hardware Webmail

Institute for Electrical and Electronics

Engineers (IEEE)


International Standards Organization (ISO) Wiki

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Wikispace

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