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Exam Number : Mulesoft-CD
Exam Name : MuleSoft Certified Developer -Level 1 (MCD-Level1)
Vendor Name : MuleSoft
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Mulesoft-CD Exam Format | Mulesoft-CD Course Contents | Mulesoft-CD Course Outline | Mulesoft-CD Exam Syllabus | Mulesoft-CD Exam Objectives

Format: Multiple-choice, closed book, proctored online or in a testing center

Length: 60 questions

Duration: 120 minutes (2 hours)

Pass score: 70%

Language: English

The exam can be taken a maximum of 5 times, with a 24 hour wait between each attempt.


MuleSoft Certified Developer - Level 1 (Mule 4)A MuleSoft Certified Developer – Level 1 should be able to successfully work on basic Mule 4 projects with guidance and supervision. The MCD – Level 1 (Mule 4) exam validates that a developer has the required knowledge and skills to design, build, test and debug, deploy, and manage basic APIs and integrations: moving from Anypoint Platform to Anypoint Studio and back. S/he should be able to:

- Use MuleSoft-hosted Anypoint Platform to take a basic API through all the steps of its lifecycle: design, build, deploy, manage, and govern.

- Use Anypoint Studio to build, test, and debug basic integrations and API implementations.

- Connect to a range of resources including databases, files, web services, SaaS applications, and JMS queues.

- Perform basic data transformations using DataWeave 2.

- Control event flow and handle errors.

- Process batch records.

Explain MuleSofts proposal for closing the IT delivery gap

Describe the role and characteristics of the “modern API”

Describe the purpose and roles of a C4E

Define and describe the benefits of API-led connectivity and application networks

Define and correctly use the terms API, API implementation, API interface, API consumer, and API invocation

Describe the basics of the HTTP protocol and characteristics of requests and responses

Describe the capabilities and high-level components of Anypoint Platform for the API lifecycle

DEV:FUN4 Module 1

DEV:FUN4 Module 2

Designing and Consuming APIs

Describe the lifecycle of the “modern API”

Use RAML to define API resources, nested resources, and methods

Identify when and how to define query parameters vs URI parameters

Use RAML to define API parameters, requests, and responses

Use RAML to define reusable data types and format independent examples

Read a RAML spec and formulate RESTful requests with query parameters and/or headers as appropriate

DEV:FUN4 Module 3

DEV:DIY4 Practice 3-1 and 4-1

Accessing and Modifying Mule Events

Describe the Mule event data structure

Use transformers to set event payloads, attributes, and variables

Write DataWeave expressions to access and modify event payloads, attributes, and variables

Enrich Mule events using target parameters

DEV:FUN4 Module 6

DEV:DIY4 Practice 6-1, 7-1, and 7-2

Enriching Data with Target Parameters

Structuring Mule Applications

Parameterize an application using property placeholders

Define and reuse global configurations in an application

Break an application into multiple flows using private flows, subflows, and the Flow Reference component

Specify what data (payload, attributes, variables) is persisted between flows when a Flow Reference is used

Specify what data (payload, attributes, variables) is persisted between flows when a Mule event crosses a connection boundary

Specify what data (payload, attributes, variables) exists in a flow before and after a call in the middle of a flow to an external resource

DEV:FUN4 Module 7

DEV:DIY4 Practice 7-1 and 7-2

Building API Implementation Interfaces

Manually create a RESTful interface for a Mule application

Generate a REST Connector from a RAML specification

Describe the features and benefits of APIkit

Use APIkit to create implementation flows from a RAML file

Describe how requests are routed through flows generated by APIkit

DEV:FUN4 Module 4

DEV:FUN4 Module 8

DEV:DIY4 Practice 4-1

Routing Events

Use the Choice router to route events based on conditional logic

Use the Scatter-Gather router to multicast events

Validate data using the Validation module

DEV:FUN4 Module 9

DEV:DIY4 Practice 9-1

Handling Errors

Describe the default error handling in a Mule application

Define a custom global default error handler for an application and identify in what situations it will be used

Compare and contrast how the On Error Continue and On Error Propagate scopes work

Create one or more error handlers for a flow

Use the Try scope to specify error handlers for one or more event processors

Describe the data structure of the Mule Error object

Map errors to custom application errors

DEV:FUN4 Module 10

DEV:DIY4 Practice 10-1

Transforming Data with DataWeave

Write DataWeave scripts to convert JSON, XML, and Java data structures to different data structures and data types

Use DataWeave functions

Define and use DataWeave variables, functions, and modules

Define and use custom data types

Apply correct DataWeave syntax to coerce data types

Apply correct DataWeave syntax to format strings, numbers, and dates

Call Mule flows from a DataWeave script

DEV:FUN4 Module 11

DEV:DIY4 Practice 11-1

Using Connectors

Retrieve data from a Database using the Database connector

Create parameterized SQL queries for the Database connector

Retrieve data from a REST service using HTTP Request or a REST Connector

Use a Web Service Consumer connector to consume SOAP web services

Use the Transform Message component to pass arguments to a SOAP web service

List, read, and write local files using the File connector

List, read, and write remote files using the FTP connector

Use the JMS connector to publish and listen for JMS messages

DEV:FUN4 Module 4

DEV:FUN4 Module 8

DEV:FUN4 Module 12

DEV:DIY4 Practice 4-1, 8-1, 12-1, and 12-2

Processing Records

List and compare and contrast the methods for processing individual records in a collection

Explain how Mule events are processed by the For Each scope

Use the For Each scope to process records

Explain how Mule events are processed by the Batch Job scope

Use a Batch Job with Batch Steps and a Batch Aggregator to process records

Use the Scheduler component to trigger a flow

Use connector listeners to trigger flows

Describe the features, benefits, and process to use watermarking

Describe the features, benefits, and process to use automatic watermarking vs. manual watermarking

Use connectors with automatic watermarking capabilities

Persist data between flow executions using the Object Store

DEV:FUN4 Module 12

DEV:FUN4 Module 13

DEV:DIY4 Practice 13-1

Debugging and Troubleshooting Mule Applications

Use breakpoints to inspect a Mule event during runtime

Install missing Maven dependencies

Read and decipher Mule log error messages

DEV:FUN4 Module 6

DEV:FUN4 all WTs

DEV:DIY4 Practice 6-1 and Walkthrough

DEV:DIY4 all exercises

Deploying and Managing APIs and Integrations

Package Mule applications for deployment

Deploy applications to CloudHub

Use CloudHub properties to ensure deployment success

Create and deploy API proxies

Connect an API implementation to API Manager using autodiscovery

Use policies, including client ID enforcement, to secure an API

Create SLA tiers and apply SLA based policies

DEV:FUN4 Module 5

DEV:DIY4 Practice 5-1 and 5-2

Configuring API Autodiscovery in a Mule 4 Application

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